Cross Site Scripting
This tutorial will introduce you to Cross Site Scripting or XSS for short.
Introduction to XSS
XSS is a vulnerability in web applications which allows an attacker to inject JavaScript in to a page which then executes inside the browser of another user. It's a very powerful attack since JavaScript can access a lot of information about the clients browser and even modify the DOM (Document Object Model) of the page which can alter the look and behaviour, as well as make requests to the website on behalf of the user and modify responses, because the script can run silently these kind of attacks are deadly for stealing personal information.
One common attack is session hijacking where the value of the users session cookies are stolen and can be sent to an attacker who can use it to bypass log in/security that relies on cookies to identify and authenticate users.
The basics
The anatomy of an XSS attack is for an attacker to supply input to a web service which is then returned to the page for others to see. There's 2 basic methods of doing this, persistent and reflected.
A persistent XSS attack sends a payload to the web application which stores that input in permanent storage server side, typically a database. When other users make requests to the web server the reply includes the payload. For example the comments section for a blog post, users can provide text input plus their XSS payload that is stored in a database and every user who visits that page loads the comment along with any script. This is a broad attack that can target many users at once.
A reflected XSS attack injects script in to the page parameters of a URL, the server responds with the script somewhere in the response, this is a one time targeted attack that only affects the users who follow that specific URL. The attacker then distributes the custom malicious URL to targets either directly by sending it to them or the by publishing the link somewhere on the web and hoping users click on it. A good example of a reflected attack is a search feature on a web application which creates a GET request that includes the user's search term as a page parameter and returns search results plus the payload.
Just like with SQLi attacks, not all sites are vulnerable to XSS, only sites which are badly written and contain vulnerable parameters or inputs can be attacked.
Context matters
Web applications have a page life cycle which all requests go through, during this process user input passes through several different interpreters each have a set of characters that have special meaning in that context. XSS vulnerabilities exist when user input is allowed to pass into the body of HTML while containing characters that have special meaning in this context.
To stop XSS attacks the users input must be HTML encoded before being inserted into a HTML document, this type of encoding takes all special characters and alters them to be a safe equivalent which display correctly when rendered by the browser but cannot modify the mark up. For PHP use htmlspecialchars() documented here and for ASP.NET use htmlencode() document here.
This isn't the whole story however, if user input is inserted directly inside existing JavaScript for example inside a <script> tag, or inside any event or evaluation that runs JavaScript then HTML encoding may not be sufficient.
For more on prevention see XSS prevention cheat sheet.
To stop XSS attacks the users input must be HTML encoded before being inserted into a HTML document, this type of encoding takes all special characters and alters them to be a safe equivalent which display correctly when rendered by the browser but cannot modify the mark up. For PHP use htmlspecialchars() documented here and for ASP.NET use htmlencode() document here.
This isn't the whole story however, if user input is inserted directly inside existing JavaScript for example inside a <script> tag, or inside any event or evaluation that runs JavaScript then HTML encoding may not be sufficient.
For more on prevention see XSS prevention cheat sheet.
Finding vulnerabilities
To find XSS vulnerabilities you need to test all user input to the web application and check all the places in the HTML response this input appears, this may require viewing the source code as not all occurrences may be visible or obvious. For example you might submit your name to website profile page which appears as both text on the page but it might also appear as the alt attribute for your profile image tag, this wouldn't be immediately obvious just looking by eye. The best trick is to use test input that's unique and wont appear anywhere else on the page and you can search for it (ctrl+f) in the source code.
There are 3 basic types of user input:
Note that Internet Explorer and Chrome both have XSS prevention built into the browser which examines parameters inside the URL and looks for common XSS vectors, they will find most attempts to enter <script> tags and other basic attacks, however more subtle XSS vectors may get through. Because of this it's best to use Firefox for testing exploits first and then adapting or obfuscating the attacks for other browsers as necessary.
Another reason I recommend Firefox for testing is because when you view the source of the document you see the raw source, in both Internet Explorer and Chrome any HTML encoded characters appear as the user friendly variants. So you cannot tell the difference between a raw angle bracket < and the HTML encoded equivalent <. This may lead to confusion where apparently correctly HTML is not rendering as you'd expect, in Firefox this is not a problem.
There may be client side data validation done on a page in JavaScript before it will allow you to submit a form, there are different ways to bypass this, you can modify the JavaScript running in the page manually using developer tools, or you can send your HTTP POST requests through a local proxy which can intercept and modify them in transport.
Some good examples of proxies for penetration testing are Paros for Windows as well as a newer and better maintained fork called ZAP, or if you're running Linux Burp suite is popular. You need to configure and run the proxy, normally configured on the same machine as the browser. Then change your browser settings to send requests through the proxy, in Firefox open the options, switch to the "Advanced" section, select the "Network" tab, and under Connection click the "Settings..." button. Now set "localhost" or "" as the HTTP proxy and set the port you've configured your proxy to use, most default to 8080. Make sure to tick "Use this proxy server for all protocols" and OK all the windows.
Now you can capture and modify page requests, these are helpful tools not just because you can bypass client side filtering but because you're no longer limited to basic text input, you can modify everything posted back to the server. This increases the number of possible attack vectors significantly, for example if the site allows uploading of files you can upload a normal jpg file in the browser then proxy the request and change the file name/extension as well as include characters that wouldn't normally be part of legal file name. In this example if this file name is inserted into a database and later used on a page somewhere it could potentially be used to create XSS attacks that otherwise aren't possible using just the browser by itself.
There are 3 basic types of user input:
- Page parameters passed in the URL of a HTTP GET request.
- Parameters passed in the body of a HTTP POST request.
- External resources the web server fetches.
URL parameters
Page parameters are passed in the URL of a HTTP GET request, these are typically used to modify the result of the response you'll get from the server, this type of input is used to create reflected XSS attacks. For testing simply use a browser and enter different input directly into the URL inside of parameters. If there's any characters you need to URL encode you can use this XSS calculator.Note that Internet Explorer and Chrome both have XSS prevention built into the browser which examines parameters inside the URL and looks for common XSS vectors, they will find most attempts to enter <script> tags and other basic attacks, however more subtle XSS vectors may get through. Because of this it's best to use Firefox for testing exploits first and then adapting or obfuscating the attacks for other browsers as necessary.
Another reason I recommend Firefox for testing is because when you view the source of the document you see the raw source, in both Internet Explorer and Chrome any HTML encoded characters appear as the user friendly variants. So you cannot tell the difference between a raw angle bracket < and the HTML encoded equivalent <. This may lead to confusion where apparently correctly HTML is not rendering as you'd expect, in Firefox this is not a problem.
POST parameters
Posts parameters are passed to the server when you submit a form on the page causing a HTTP POST, they are passed back in the body of the page request and as such cannot be used for reflected attacks since you cannot remotely cause post backs.There may be client side data validation done on a page in JavaScript before it will allow you to submit a form, there are different ways to bypass this, you can modify the JavaScript running in the page manually using developer tools, or you can send your HTTP POST requests through a local proxy which can intercept and modify them in transport.
Some good examples of proxies for penetration testing are Paros for Windows as well as a newer and better maintained fork called ZAP, or if you're running Linux Burp suite is popular. You need to configure and run the proxy, normally configured on the same machine as the browser. Then change your browser settings to send requests through the proxy, in Firefox open the options, switch to the "Advanced" section, select the "Network" tab, and under Connection click the "Settings..." button. Now set "localhost" or "" as the HTTP proxy and set the port you've configured your proxy to use, most default to 8080. Make sure to tick "Use this proxy server for all protocols" and OK all the windows.
Now you can capture and modify page requests, these are helpful tools not just because you can bypass client side filtering but because you're no longer limited to basic text input, you can modify everything posted back to the server. This increases the number of possible attack vectors significantly, for example if the site allows uploading of files you can upload a normal jpg file in the browser then proxy the request and change the file name/extension as well as include characters that wouldn't normally be part of legal file name. In this example if this file name is inserted into a database and later used on a page somewhere it could potentially be used to create XSS attacks that otherwise aren't possible using just the browser by itself.
External resources
Some web applications make requests for resources on other servers, they may crawl another web page or source of data and then inject this into their own database to be used as part of the content for a page. If the source of the data is something you can control or if you can send the target web server some input that makes it visit resource you're in control of, this becomes another attack vector for XSS.
A real world example I've used during testing abused a flaw in a feature to allow users to share URLs with each other. The behaviour of the target website was to take user input, visit the URL, scrape the page to find the page title and then use this as the display text for the URL. Note that the URL input itself wasn't vulnerable to XSS as the correct characters were filtered out, however the page title scraped from the external resource was vulnerable to XSS.
Keep this in mind when testing, it's not just direct user input to a web application that might be vulnerable, but any kind of source of 3rd party data. A clever variant of this was done recently using XSS inside TXT records in DNS to inject any website displaying Whois information without first HTML encoding the record.
In the real world the type of XSS vector you can use will vary greatly depending on how the output back to the page is handled and where the output is injected in to. The output may be modified in one of several different ways, some common ones are:- Removing specific characters that aren't allowed.
- Removing specific words or strings of characters that aren't allowed.
- Replacing unsafe characters with the HTML safe equivalents using HTML encoding.
- Denying the entire string altogether or throwing an error.
- Inserting other characters to break up words that aren't allowed.
Because the number of different XSS attack vectors is so staggeringly vast most of these techniques allow through at least some types of attack, the safest is HTML encoding but as mentioned previously this may not stop attacks where the output is injected directly inside of existing JavaScript.
You can break down the attacks in to 2 basic types, those which are injected into the body of the document, and those which are inserted into the mark up of the document. All examples given below show existing HTML in green and user input in red.
For user input that is inserted in to the body of the document you need to escape back into mark up in order to inject any kind of JavaScript, this requires using angle brackets < and >. In the example below the output is injected between div tags.
For user input that is inserted directly into parts of the mark up, for example inside the alt attribute of an image tag, then you only need escape the attribute using quotes ". In the example below I've added an event which triggers when the image has loaded, no angle brackets are required because our injection point is already inside the mark up.
test" onload="alert(1);
<img src="/images/logo.jpg" alt="test" onload="alert(1);" />
Persistent attack Examples
There are too many different XSS attack vectors to mention them all in detail, for a cheat sheet list of many of the common techniques I highly suggest the cheat sheet. However I will cover a few basic persistent attacks to demonstrate the principles.
Basic injection into image location:
<img src="javascript:alert(1);">
Modern browsers have a much more relaxed parsing engine which can allow for mistakes in HTML to render correctly, as such you can often remove some formatting, these tricks are often browser specific depending on how strict the rendering engine is, this example doesn't require quotes of semicolon:
<img src=javascript:alert(1)>
<img src=javascript:alert(1)>
Here's a slightly more complex fictional example, lets say you can sign up for a website and pick a user name, you're given your own profile page on the website which ends in your profile name.
Profile Name
This could be a good and somewhat obscure attack vector, If the site programmatically creates anchor tags anywhere to link to your profile they might look like this:
<a href="/userprofile/Frosty">Visit profile</a>
The right user name might result in JavaScript execution, in this case by injecting an event into the attribute. If the mouse is moves over the anchor tag then it will fire the JavaScript.
Frosty" onmouseover="javascript:alert(1);
<a href="/userprofile/Frosty" onmouseover="javascript:alert(1);" />Visit profile</a>
Reflected attack examples
A very common reflected attack can be found in many search features, a user enters some text to search and clicks search, that creates a GET request to the server for the search results page and inside that request is a page parameter which contains the search term. A fictional example:
This takes the parameter called search, with the value of usersearch, In the results page you'll find HTML that looks something like this:
<p>Your result for usersearch returned 0 results</p>
You can create a malicious URL like the following
<p>Your result for <script>alert(1)</script> returned 0 results</p>
Sending this URL to a target and have them follow it will inject JavaScript into the results page. Only the users following that specifically crafted URL will be effected.
To tidy up long or complex reflected attacks you might want to use URL shortening services like Bitly or TinyURL.
Tidying up
In some cases you might want to escape out of some input but by doing so leave behind invalid HTML which creates rendering errors on the page, there's nothing to stop you from including additional HTML and CSS in your input to correct these. In a previous examples we used the onmouseover() event, however if this has already been defined in the tag we'll have a problem. Consider the following:
Frosty" onmouseover="javascript:alert(1);
<a onmouseover="changecursor()" href="/userprofile/Frosty" onmouseover="javascript:alert(1);">Visit profile</a>
Because our attribute came second it wont fire, if angle brackets are allowed in the user name we could just escape out of the entire anchor tag.
<a onmouseover="changecursor()" href="/userprofile/Frosty"><script>javascript:alert(1)</script>">Visit profile</a>
However this will look messy on the page and possibly alert people something is wrong, this is an instance where you might want to tidy up your XSS attack, create matching tags in order to create a 2nd valid anchor tag and then hide it by setting visibility using CSS.
Frosty">Visit Profile</a><script>javascript:alert(1)</script><a style="visibility:hidden;
<a onmouseover="changecursor()" href="/userprofile/Frosty">Visit Profile</a><script>javascript:alert(1)</script><a style="visibility:hidden;">Visit profile</a
In many cases beating blacklist filters is simply a matter of obfuscation, for example adding character to break up key words like "javascript" such the tab character or new line characters are good for this:
<img src="jav ascript:alert(1);">
<img src="jav	ascript:alert(1);">
<img src="jav	ascript:alert(1);">
You can often use different encoding types, in the URL you can supply URL encoded characters, an extremely helpful tool for calculating obfuscations can be found here
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