Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Passive GSM interception Part 1

This blog post will cover passive GSM interception of phone calls and text messages. It will include some of the history of GSM and how it was broken, the newer tools and attack methods and finally a guide on how to set up a test bed for interception using TWILIGHT VEGETABLE a suite of tools designed to make cracking GSM as easy as possible.

Part 1 of this guide will cover the requirements and setting up the environment, part 2 will cover traffic capture and decryption.


Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM for short) is a suite of protocols designed for second generation (2G) mobile phone communication, put simply it's used extensively around the world for making calls on your mobile.

GSM comes with various security features to authenticate users on the network, it uses the SIM of the caller to authenticate the mobile device with the base station using a pre-shared key and challenge/response, once authenticated the calls are encrypted with a stream-cipher typically A5/1 for America and most of Europe, you can read more about A5/1 here.

History of breaking A5/1

A5/1 has a long history of attacks, the Snowden leaks showed that the NSA can easily decrypt calls, there's also rumors that the strength of the standard when it was first introduced into Europe was deliberately limited with an encryption key length of only 56bits, this made interception by government agencies easier. The security work carried out on GSM has largely been kept private and out of the public domain, there has been many white papers and theoretical attacks but few projects have ever released easy to use tools until very recently.

Weaknesses in a5/1 were known as far back as 1994, however attacks on A5/1 as used in GSM didn't occur until 2003 where downgrade attacks forcing phones on to the much weak A5/2 stream cipher were possible. In 2007 COPACOBANA was developed as an FPGA hardware solution for attacks on A5/1 and DES, this was the first commercially available attack tool. In 2008 a group called The Hackers Choice started a project to break GSM using rainbow tables, a time memory trade off attack, however the tables were never released in to the public domain.

It wasn't until 2009 that Karsten Nohl and Sascha Krißler announced The A5/1 cracking project at Blackhat, you can find the talk on YouTube, part 1 is here. This project is similar to prior attacks and uses a mix of time memory trade off and distinguished point chains to create 2Tb of rainbow tables, a tool for using these tables called Kraken was also released, this allowed anyone to discover a5/1 keys for encrypted portions of GSM traffic.

Use of these tools was deliberately left difficult to help stop widespread use, this is where TWILIGHT VEGETABLE steps in. TWILIGHT VEGETABLE is one of many projects that are being developed by hackers working on the NSA Playset, it's essentially a custom distribution of Kali Linux with all the tools necessary to automate GSM sniffing pre-installed. The project was introduced at DefCon 22, you can see the presentation here. The project is aimed at making cracking of GSM as easy as possible.


While the project aims to make the process of decryption as easy as possible, it is still no trivial task setting up the tools, like most security work on GSM the documentation seems to be lacking and help is hard to find. Because of this I've written the following guide which will walk you through all the steps for setting up all the tools.


Here is everything you need in order to crack A5/1 using TWILIGHT VEGETABLE, note that while the rainbow tables are about 2Tb you'll need 4Tb of disk space total.

  • 2Tb USB external hard drive
  • 2Tb of additional storage
  • 16Gb USB flash drive
  • A USB SDR dongle based off the RTL chipset - example here
  • A laptop
  • Something that can uncompress .bz2 files, for windows I recommend 7zip from here.
  • The 7Gb compressed Twilight Vegetable image from here.
  • Something to write images to the USB drive, I recommend Win32 Disk Imager from here.
  • The 1.6Tb of Kraken GSM Rainbow tables, the torrents can be found here.

Step 1 - Create a TWILIGHT VEGETABLE bootable USB

The first step is to create a bootable USB flash drive with a install of TWILIGHT VEGETABLE. First you'll need to download the TWILIGHTVEGETABLE image from the link above, you'll also need some software to extract the image from the compressed bz2 file, on windows you can use a compression tool called 7zip, linked above. Once 7zip is installed, select the file "TWILIGHTVEGETABLE-1.0.img.bz2" file and extract the image, you'll need approximately 15.2Gb of space.

Plug in your 16Gb USB flash, make sure it doesn't contain any files you want to keep, as the following steps will erase everything on the drive. 

Download and install Win32 Disk Imager from the link above. Make sure you right click the applications and "run as administrator". Open the file browser and select your TWILIGHTVEGETABLE-1.0.img file. Use the device drop down menu and select the drive letter of your USB flash drive - it's important to get the drive letter right!

Click the "Write" button to write the contents of the img to the USB key, once this is finished you will have a bootable USB flash drive with all the tools you need.

Step 2 - Prepare your external 2Tb HDD

This next step is to create DRIZZLECHAIR by writing the rainbow tables into a partition on the external drive, they cannot simply be copied on to the drive, they're inserted inside a partition using a special tool, this is why you need an additional 2Tb of space on top of the 2Tb external drive.

Turn off the computer you want to use for copying the tables and insert your TWILIGHT VEGETABLE USB drive, then boot the machine from the USB key, in some cases this will happen automatically, otherwise you'll need to enter into your BIOS settings and set the boot order to boot from USB first, if you need to do this consult your motherboard manual for BIOS instructions. Once you've booted off the USB drive, select persistent mode to load Kali.

First you need to identify which mount name your 2Tb drive has, this step is crucial because if you get this wrong you'll delete the partitions on the wrong drive and if you accidentally delete the rainbow tables you'll be extremely mad. For the rest of this tutorial I'm going to use the mount name "sdz" you need to replace all instances of "sdz" in the instructions with your mount point name for the external drive, this will be different depending on your system. I am not responsible for any data loss if you do these steps incorrectly!

Open a terminal window and enter the following commands one at a time, remembering to replace ALL instances of sdz with your mount name.

umount /dev/sdz1
parted /dev/sdz rm 1
parted /dev/sdz mkpart primary 0g 5g
parted /dev/sdz mkpart primary 5g 100%
partprobe /dev/sdz
mkfs.ext3 -L DRIZZLECHAIR /dev/sdz1
e2label /dev/sdz1 DRIZZLECHAIR
partprobe /dev/sdz

These commands will mount the drive, remove any existing partitions, then it will create a 5Gb partition at the start of the drive (sdz1) where you can store the tools if you wish, and then create a 2nd partition (sdz2) which fills the rest of the drive which is where the rainbow tables will live, finally we format sdz1 with a file system and give it the label DRIZZLECHAIR. The drive is now prepared.

Step 3 - (OPTIONAL)

This step is optional depending on where you store your rainbow tables, if they're on a local disk attached to the computer you're booting off then skip straight to step 4.

For me the tables are shared on a file server on my network since my laptop doesn't have 2Tb of internal disk space, this step covers connecting Kali to a network share so you can copy files across the network. Beware this method is much slower than copying from an internal drive, an internal drive copy speed will take approximately 10 hours but across a wireless network it took about 3 days.

To connect to a windows share I installed cifs because I had trouble getting smb working, to install cifs make sure you have internet access, open a terminal window and type:

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

Now create the mount point you want to use, you first need to create a new folder which I made at /mnt/gsm

cd /mnt/
mkdir gsm

Then you can mount your network share with the following command, replace "###.###.###.###" with the IP address of your network share, and "sharename" with the name of the shared folder. The 2nd path is where the share will be mounted to.

mount -t cifs //###.###.###.###/sharename /mnt/gsm

Double check you can browse this directory, if you get a permissions error make sure to set the shared folder settings to allow guest/anonymous access.

Step 4 - Preparing tools for use

The tool to insert the tables on to the drive is called TableConvert it's not actually compiled into the binaries so we need to do that first. Open a terminal window and browse to the TableConvert directory with:

cd /root/kraken/TableConvert

then compile the binaries by typing:

make TableConvert

We're not going to use this tool directly, we're going to use a wrapper called Behemoth.py which is a python tool already on the system in the /root/kraken/indexes directory. However the version that comes with the current version of TWILIGHT VEGETABLE is out of date and requires some extra work sym linking directories before use, it's just easier to download the latest copy of Behemoth.py with this already fixed. You can download this on github here, make sure to place it in the index directory and overwrite the current one.

Next we need to set up the config file which will point TableConvert to the right partition to insert the tables into. You need to make a copy of the sample conf file, in your terminal window type:

cp tables.conf.sample tables.conf

Now open this new tables.conf file for editing and remove the list of example devices and replace them with your drive and partition, the partition number will be 2, remember to replace sdz with your drive name. It should look something like this:

#Devices: dev/node max_tables
Device: /dev/sdz2 40
#Tables: dev id(advance) offset

The max tables value is set at 40 because there's 40 individual tables and we want them all on the same drive. Make sure to save changes to this file.

The last step is to copy all of the files from the /root/kraken folder in to the 5Gb partition at the start of the drive, when the tables are inserted into the external drive during the next step, index files are generated in the /indexes/ folder which are about 3.2Gb total, if you only have a 16Gb flash drive then you'll run out of space.

Mount the first partition of your DRIZZLECHAIR drive somewhere so you can get access via the terminal, I created a new directory in the /mnt/ folder called drizzlechair first,

cd /mnt/
mkdir drizzlechair

Then in a terminal type the following, remember to replace sdz with your drive name.

sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdz1 /mnt/drizzlechair

Copy the entire kraken folder to the DRIZLLECHAIR drive

cd /root/kraken
cp -R * /mnt/drizzlechair/kraken

Step 5 - Inserting the rainbow tables into the partition

Now to start the copy, make sure if you're using a laptop the power cord is in and nothing will interrupt the copy process, this step takes a long time. In a terminal window type:

cd /mnt/drizzlechair/kraken/indexes

Now type the following replacing "/mnt/gsm" with the directory you've stored the rainbow tables.

sudo python Behemoth.py /mnt/gsm

Sit back and relax, you'll get info pop up on the screen to tell you what table is currently being copied, you have a 10 hour wait from an internal drive or a something closer to 72 hours across a network.

Step 6 - The you dun goof'd step (OPTIONAL)

If for any reason the process is interrupted you can resume it, you'll first need to make note of the last table name that was being written to the drive. Simply trying to resume it by running Behemoth again will it will skip all the tables, you need to remove entries from the tables.conf file 

Open the tables.conf file for editing and you'll see this file now has an entry for all the tables, one per line, simply delete the lines of the tables that have not been written including the the last partially written one, save changes to the file. Now delete any index (.idx) files in the indexes directory for any tables that weren't written, they're given the same name as the table number.

Then run Behemoth again, it will skip all the other tables with entries in tables.conf and resume where it ended.

Step 7 - Testing

Lastly we test Kraken, switch to the kraken directory

cd /mnt/drizzlechair/kraken/Kraken

Run Kraken and give it the directory where the indexes are stored

./kraken /mnt/drizzlechair/kraken/indexes

Now run the test command


It should run a test string of binary, a reasonable speed from an external drive is about 160 seconds on average, I get about 180-185 seconds but it depends on your hardware, USB version, drive speed etc.

Next time on FrostyHacks

In part 2 of this guide I will cover capturing GSM traffic with a USB RTL-SDR device and the steps to extract the keys to submit to Kraken. It will be available as soon as I've got everything working myself!

I appreciate any comments and feedback both positive and negative, especially if there's any mistakes that need correcting. You can also contact me on Skype for help or if you're willing to assist with the SDR steps. SkypeID: frostyhacks

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Pixies Pwn WPS

WPS hacked again.

The department of "so what else is new" brings you another couple of attacks against Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), a feature available on most WPA enabled routers. The original attack is known as Pixie dust and is based on the security research of Dominique Bongard. You can find his video presentation here and slides here.

This blog post will go through an in depth description of what WPS is, a history of some older attacks, why those attacks are generally not sufficient today and finally a close look at the premise behind the new vulnerabilities that these new attacks exploit so you can learn how they work. Finally I will introduce the brand new tools and their authors as well as a tutorial for use.

What is WPS?

Wi-Fi Protected Setup is a feature found on most modern home routers which makes connecting devices much simpler, there's several methods for connecting wireless devices to the network however the vulnerable method is the PIN method which is what these attacks target.

When doing a WPS PIN connection, you simply provide an 8 digit numeric PIN for the network you want to join, the device handshakes with the network and if the PIN is correct it joins the network, simple right? Behind the scenes what is really occurring is a handshake between the device and Access Point (AP), they both exchange the WPS PIN in a secure way to do a mutual authentication, if the PIN is correct the password which protects the WPA network is sent to the device and the device uses that to authenticate against the AP.

The WPS PIN is normally set with a default value when the router is shipped and will appear in the documentation or on a sticker on the physical AP device. Most routers allow you to enable or disable WPS and some even let you pick a new PIN which might be randomly assigned or user defined.

Prior WPS weaknesses

The history of weaknesses in WPS and specific implementations is embarrassing to say the least, here are some of the prior vulnerabilities I'm aware of.
  • Manufacturers picking unique PINs for each of the routers they ship which are derived in some way from the unique MAC address of the router, see here. The MAC address is publicly beaconed for all wireless networks and can be passively sniffed allowing users to derive the PIN from the MAC.
  • Brute force attacks such as Reaver created by Craig Heffner exploit several weaknesses in the PIN exchange that reduce brute force attacks down to at most 11,000 PIN attempts which can be done within a few hours providing routers didn't have any kind of throttling with attempts or WPS lockout.
  • Some older routers would not disable WPS despite it being shown as disabled in the config page, this lead to some people thinking they are safe disabling WPS when really they were still vulnerable.
These vulnerabilities were very serious and in most new routers seem to be fixed, modern WPS enabled routers tend to throttle WPS attempts as per the specifications, often they will disable WPS all together after a certain number of failures. Step in Pixie dust.

The Pixie Dust attack

To understand how the Pixie dust attack works you need to be familiar with the WPS handshake that is performed during a WPS PIN exchange. You'll also need to know a bit about hashing and PRNGs both of which I'll give an intro to. Here is the handshake documentation for reference.

The enrolment occurs in 8 steps M1 to M8 and we're primarily concerned with steps M1-M3, to avoid confusion it's worth pointing out that the Enrollee is the AP and the device connecting is called the Registrar, it seems counter intuitive and the source of some confusion.

There's several requirements of this handshake that need to be filled in order to help keep it secure.

First of all it needs to be protected against replay attacks, these are attacks where adversaries sniff the network traffic of a genuine Registrar talking to the AP and recording the traffic, then simply replaying it back at a later date. To prevent this Nonces are used which are one time use random numbers, these are the N1 and N2 numbers in the handshake above. Because they're randomly generated for each new WPS handshake attempt it means you cannot replay back old handshake data and successfully authenticate.

Secondly, the authentication needs to be mutual. Not only does the AP need to verify that the connecting device knows the real PIN before it hands out the WPA password, but the connecting device also needs to know the AP is the genuine AP and not spoofed, before it hands over proof of the PIN. This stops hackers from putting up fake access points which wait until someone attempts to connect with a real PIN and harvesting the credentials. It also explains why the AP is handing over the PIN to the Registrar in the first place, at first this can seem counter intuitive to security of the system.

This mutual exchange of secret information is an interesting and complicated problem which is solved using cryptography. Instead of exchanging the PINs in plain text which would destroy any hope of mutual authentication, both the AP and the connecting device swap hashes of the PIN instead.


For anyone not already familiar with hashing, this is simply a mathematical function which can be applied to a plain text of arbitrary length and scrambles that text to be an unrecognizable fixed length value called the hash. Hashes are useful as it's impossible to reverse the hash back into the plain text, because of this they're typically used to protect information you want to keep secret like passwords or in this case the PIN.

The premise is that both the AP and the Registrar provide each other the hash of the PIN and not the PIN itself. This way the plain text of the PIN remains secret and is never directly exchanged. To verify the hash you are given is correct you'd simply hash your own PIN and then compare the hashes, if they're the same then you have verified the other device also knows the PIN. In reality this step is done by breaking the 8 digit pin in half and creating 2 hashes for the Enrollee and 2 hashes for the registrar.

It's worth noting that during the handshake the AP sends the Registrar these 2 hashes first in step M3. You could imagine one possible attack against this system is a brute force attack against the hashes E-Hash1 and E-Hash2.

While you cannot mathematically reverse hashes back to their plain text you can however hash every possible combination of plaintexts (for short plaintexts) and then compare the hashes and if you find a match then you know the plaintext that caused the hash, this is known as a brute force attack. Because the total number of possible PINs is very small a brute force is trivial, each half of the PIN is only 4 digits of 0-9 which puts the total number of hashes to check for the first half at 10^4, or 10,000 and the 2nd half at 10^3 or 1,000 tries (because the 4th digit is a checksum and isn't used), a total of 11,000 tries which a modern CPU can do in less than a second.

The designers of WPS knew this kind of attack would be possible so they added an extra step in the process to stop brute force attacks, they first generate 2 random numbers E-S1, E-S2 for the Enrollee, these are simply 2 strings of 128 random bits, the hashes E-Hash1 and E-Hash2 become the hash of the combined PIN + the random number.

Now it becomes impossible for the registrar to brute force the PIN out of the M3 step, you'd need to check all possible combinations of random numbers for 128bits multiplied by the number of different PINs which is computationally infeasible. However if we could somehow find the secret random numbers E-S1 and E-S2 through some other method then our brute force is simple. The Pixie dust attack uses 2 different methods to find these random numbers.

Attack 1

This is a super simple attack, a certain class of routers use static or just blank values for the 2 random number E-S1 and E-S2, the firmware for these routers can be downloaded from the manufactures websites or the source code found online to determine these keys. Obviously this is a very bad implementation of the protocol, chipsets caught doing this are only Ralink so far, however it's plausible that others are effected, it's implementation specific so individual testing is required.

Attack 2

The 2nd attack is much more sophisticated and requires some knowledge of how random numbers are generated. I'll urge you to read my blog post on Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) here first to get a more detailed overview of PRNGs and why they're insecure for use with security such as cryptography.

The layman's explanation is that PRNGs are not actually random, they're in fact entirely deterministic, they spit out a very long and predictable string of numbers and it's possible to determine the state the PRNG is in (how far it is through that large string). If you have some sample output it had previously generated you can simply run a PRNG continuously until you spot that pattern of randomness. Once you know the state the PRNG is in you can predict all future output with 100% accuracy.

In the case of Broadcom/Ecos chipsets they are using the rand() function in C which is a PRNG with an internal state small enough to easily brute force. If you look back to the handshake one thing you'll notice is that before the E-Hash1 and E-Hash2 are sent to the Registrar, a "random" nonce N1 is first created and sent in plain text.

The attack against these chipsets then becomes simple, the attacker starts the handshake and captures N1 from the access point, this is used to brute force the state of the PRNG of the access point, you run the PRNG forward another 256bits of randomness which are what is used to determine the 2x128bit keys E-S1 and E-S2. You then hash every possible combination the first 4 digits of the PIN with E-S1 and compare to E-Hash1, and the first 3 digits of the 2nd half of the PIN with E-S2 and compare against E-Hash2 to recover the entire PIN.

Once you have the correct PIN you start a new WPS handshake with the access point as normal providing the correct PIN first time and recovering the plain text password for the WPA network, this can be done with Reaver.


Unfortunately Dominique Bongard never released a proof of concept tool to demonstrate this so it's remained largely unused among hackers, until a few days ago. A hacker by the name of SoxRok2212 contacted me after discussing this attack on Hackforums.net, he wanted to create an attack tool, I explained the methodology of the attack in more detail and he found a coder named Wiire and they produced a working tool based on PoC code provided by DataHead. Big thanks to everyone who came together to make this work, apologies for prior inaccuracy crediting the relevant parties for the final tool.

You can find Pixiewps on github here
You need a modified version of Reaver 1.5 here

If you're looking for a clear and concise demo of it in use with instruction then check out this excellent tutorial by soxrok2212 on YouTube.


As always with WPS the mitigation for such attacks is to simply disable WPS, right now it's not clear to what extent this is a problem, it's implementation specific so there could be similar flaws in other chipsets and routers which haven't been tested yet. There's a document of known affected chipsets here but it's by no means exhaustive.